I have to apologize for the late update on this blog, I hate real life sometimes but what can you do? xD
So let's get on with this post!
Resident Evil 1 & 2 HQ Mods:
These mods were brought to my attention by forum user Cyrus, the mods themselves update the music, voice and fmvs in RE1 and 2. Created by modder Lexas87 links to them are below:
The most over the top mod I've ever seen:
So I previously mentioned Darkspyda in a modder profile, well here is a new project from him called the hookman's dance floor mod. It is a mod for RE2 and can be downloaded here:
RE2 Hookman's Dance Floor Mod
It is for all intents and purposes one of the most obscure mods I've seen in a while (in a good way!) this is the sort of unique stuff I love seeing in the old games, and just goes to show with a bit of patience stuff like this can be produced.
Zombies Climb & Fall mod:
I already mentioned this in a previous mod post, Martinbiohazard has released this mod and can be grabbed here:
Zombies can climb and Jump down mod RE2
It's still a WIP, so some bugs will occur use at your own risk!